Farewell 2014!

December 31, 2008, it was my first time visiting Finland. Me at that time, however, could not picture myself living here after 6 years.


Few days ago, while me and H were staying in my mother-in-law's apartment, she asked me: "Have you ever thought you would live in Finland five years ago?"

"No" I replied.

In fact, not just "living in Finland", there are many other things (that I never thought/expected before) happening in my life after I graduated from THU: studying abroad in Germany, falling in love with cooking, working as a freelancer, etc. In 2014, work, shopping, cooking and "spazieren gehen" still occupy most of my time, yet this simple life is what I have been looking for, and therefore feel very satisfied.

In the upcoming 2015, I hope I can spend more time reading and wish all my families and friends happiness and good health.

Hyvästi vuodelle 2014 ja tervetuloa 2015!
